
All heroes have sidekicks and as Dora the Explorer, Intelimetrica has its own sidekick Botas!

Botas is a javascript utilities library to be used in products across the firm.

Botas logo


$ npm install --save botas


// To use utilities from Formatters, General, String or Time
const { separateThousands } = require('botas');

// or using ES6
import { separateThousands } from 'botas';

// then use it
separateThousands(12000); //=>'12,000'
separateThousands('1250000'); //=> '1,250,000'

// To use a random script
const { uploadToS3 } = require('botas/scripts');

// or using ES6
const { uploadToS3 } from 'botas/scripts';


Checkout the docs here

How is the library organized?

Botas has utilities and random scripts

Utilities is divided in 4 areas. Formatters, General, String, Time.

  • All utilities are exposed in the root of the library, so you don't need to know where a method belongs at the time of importing it.

Random scripts are just that, random scripts.

  • This meaning that Scripts are not exposed in the root of the library


For bug fixes and extending the library, submit your Pull Request with a description of your change and adding the prefix feature, fix or refactor to the name of your branch.

Please, follow the library convention by addering to the following guides:

  • Use two spaces for identation.
  • All methods should have unit tests.
  • All methods should have docstrings with the corresponding documentation.
  • All methods are alphabethically ordered in their modules.

Worry about writing the documentation. Don't worry about updating docs branch